
Ladakh – August 2019

In August 2019, Todd and Donette traveled to Ladakh in northern India. After landing in Leh, they traveled over an 18.000-foot pass into the Shyok Valley to then enter the remote Rongdo Valley. After hiking up the Rongdo and setting up a basecamp at 14,000 feet, the duo established two new alpine rock climbing routes. This was the first rock climbing that had occurred in the valley and Donette and Todd were one of only a handful of western teams to explore the valley. They were also lucky enough to interact extensively with the local residents of the valley, who were very welcoming.

After leaving the Shyok Valley, they climbed at a small area near Leh (Shey) and then did a two-week reconnaissance trip, generally south and east of Leh. On this recon trip they established several new routes and saw breathtaking countryside. In all, five weeks were spent above 11,000 feet and four weeks above 14,000 feet.

This India trip ended in New Delhi, where visits were made to the Red Fort, Spice Market and Taj Mahal. Todd and Donette also had the opportunity to meet and climb with New Delhi resident climber Mohit Oberoi.

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