French Polynesia

French Polynesia – September 2023

Donette and Todd spent the later part of September, 2023 exploring a few islands in French Polynesia. The trip began and ended on Tahiti, where the pair visited beaches, museums and the famous surf spot of Teahupoo. The main goal of the trip was to establish a new route on the spire of Moku Takae off the coast of the island of Ua Poa.

To get to Ua Poa, Donette & Todd flew to Nuku Hiva, traversed the island and then took a boat across to Ua Poa. They were met by Jerome Simonneau, the owner of Pension Pukue’e. Jerome and his wife, Elise, were extremely welcoming. Jerome arranged much of the logistics as well as a meeting with the island’s mayor to gain permission to climb. While climbing on Moku Takae, the pair stayed in a home with a local family and met many island residents. Toward the end of their time on Ua Poa, Todd & Donette provided rescue training and equipment to the island’s fire department. An article on the training, equipment donation and climbing appeared in the Tahiti Infos newspaper and on television!

After Ua Poa, the duo went to the island of Rurutu to snorkel with humpback whales and their calves. They also met with local residents about the island’s climbing potential.

The final island visited was Moorea, where some great snorkeling was done.

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