Southwest Africa
Angola, Namibia and South Africa – August 2024
Donette and Todd spent August, 2024 in Africa. They flew to Windhoek, Namibia and rented a camper truck. Namibia was then explored, which entailed giving three slideshows, climbing at Spitzkoppe and the Swakop River (to include one new route), meeting some wonderful folks and seeing wildlife at Walvis Bay and Etosha National Park.
The couple then crossed into Angola and attended the country’s first climbing festival, which was held at Serra de Leba. Climbing (two new routes), meeting and reconnecting with great folks, giving a slideshow and providing two days of rescue training to the local ambulance, fire and police staff were highlights. Over 4,200km were driven on some great and not so great roads.
Finally, a short visit was made to Cape Town to reconnect with a South African National Parks colleague and see Cape Point and the Cape of Good Hope