Trip to Belize


2011-2017, 2021-2022

Starting in 2011, Todd and Donette began exploring rock climbing possibilities in the Central American country of Belize (formerly known as British Honduras). Working with local tour operators and adventure guides, they established many routes on the country’s limestone cliffs.

Finding that rock climbing was a viable activity in Belize, the Swains began working with the Belize Tourism Board (BTB), tour operators and adventure guides to establish a rock climbing training and licensing program for the guides. This effort ran from 2012-2017 and involved obtaining gear for the guides, developing a curriculum and conducting training sessions.   

In addition to providing training to guides in Belize, Todd and Donette hosted two Belizean adventure guides in California. Each guide climbed at Joshua Tree and Yosemite National Parks and on the East Side of the Sierra Nevada. These experiences greatly broadened each guide’s skills and abilities.

In 2016, the Belize Audubon Society (BAS) asked the Swains to assess guided ascents of Victoria Peak, the second highest mountain in Belize. This peak is roughly 24 kilometers from the nearest road and has a technical section near its summit. In March 2017, Donette and Todd spent ten days at Coxcomb Basin, climbing Victoria Peak twice in a week and providing belaying and rigging training to adventure guides and park staff. Following the training, the Swains produced a comprehensive report about the training and provided recommendations for improving the visitor experience on Victoria Peak.

In 2021, Belize Audubon Society contracted with the Swains to provide rescue equipment for Victoria Peak and Coxcomb Basin. Obtaining rescue equipment was one the primary recommendations made in the 2017 report. The Swains subsequently purchased and shipped collapsible litters with wheels, pack frames and rigging equipment to BAS in 2022. One set of equipment is staged at the 19 Kilometer Camp on the way to Victoria Peak and the other set is located at Coxcomb Basin headquarters.

Also in 2021, the Swains published a small climbing guidebook to Belize in hopes that it would attract additional rock climbing visitation and more route development. The guidebook is available from K Daniels Publishing in Bishop, California and other booksellers.

In early 2023, the Swains were slated to provide rescue training to guides and BAS staff at Coxcomb Basin. Liability issues caused the cancelation of this project.

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