Cambodia trip

Cambodia and Vietnam

July 2009 / June 2010 / October 2013

In July 2009, Todd, US Department of State and FBI staff attended a conference in Siem Reap, Cambodia concerning the theft and trafficking of antiquities. The conference was attended by representatives from roughly a dozen southeast Asian countries. Later, the FBI staff and Todd taught at the United States Embassy in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The training was attended by Cambodian Heritage Police officers, who were taught techniques to combat the looting and trafficking of antiquities.

Following the training, Todd and Donette visited northern Cambodia and southern Vietnam. They explored a dozen or so Khmer temples such as Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom, Banteay Srei, Kbal Spean and Preah Vihear. Additionally, they got in a day of climbing at a crag about an hour northeast of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. In Vietnam they visited Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), the Cu Chi Tunnels and took a two-day boat trip up through the Mekong Delta and Mekong River back to Phnom Penh.

Todd returned to Cambodia in June 2010 and with FBI staff, conducted trainings for Cambodian Heritage Police officers in Poipet and Phnom Penh.

In October 2013, Todd and FBI staff conducted a cultural property protection training session in Phnom Penh. This event was attended by Cambodian Heritage Police officers, prosecutors and judges.

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