
January 1984

 In January 1984, Todd and three friends from the northeastern United States went on a mountaineering expedition to the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia. The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is considered the tallest coastal mountain range in the world, with peaks over 18,000 feet just 26 miles from the Caribbean.

The team completed a number of first ascents, including a difficult new mixed route on the South Face of Pico La Reina (18,274 feet, Swain & Welch), a solo first ascent of the NE Ridge of Pico Ojeda (Swain) and two new routes on the north slope of the range (Thackray & Welch). The approach was made via San Sebastian and the exit via the Rio Donachui to Atanquez.

Todd’s solo first ascent of the NE Ridge of Pico Ojeda (17,142 feet) required two bivouacs, moderate ice climbing and snow-covered rock climbing up to 5.6 in difficulty. By the time he returned to base camp, it had been seven days since he had seen another human.

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