Europe Roadtrip


European Roadtrip 2022

Donette and Todd spent the months of April, May and June traveling around northern Europe. This climbing road trip began and ended in Frankfurt, Germany, where a car was leased for the three months. The pair first visited the Frankenjura and then headed south to Munich, where they visited relatives. It was then into Austria and Switzerland, before going north up the western portion of Germany. They met up with friends in the Pfalz and nearby in France, visited a Maginot Line fort. It was then north through the lower countries to Amsterdam, where they met another friend and cruised the canals while enjoying great food and drink. From Amsterdam it was north through the Jutland portion of Denmark and then a ferry to Norway. The Fram and Kon Tiki Museums in Oslo were highlights. It was then south into Sweden to the fabulous climbing area of Bohsulan. There, Donette and Todd spent time with a Norwegian friend and his family and well as friends from Scotland. The final climbing stop was the Danish island of Bornholm. It was then back to Frankfurt and home.

Kilometers driven: 8,705
Climbs done: 121
Days climbing: 40
Areas climbed: 35
World Heritage Sites visited: 19
Countries visited: 10
New Routes: 4

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